DECEMBER 3, 2008
Chairman Russo called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright were present.
Chief Reilly gave a time line report on the events on P.I. from Tuesday November 25th through the present. Notification from MEMA and the National Weather Service of a possible storm surge Tuesday evening initiated watches on the impact of the tides on the sand bagging project and the houses immediately north of the center, especially the house at 16R Northern Blvd. which was already in trouble. The Wednesday morning high tide took the porch off the house at 16R Northern and the occupant was evacuated immediately. An inspection of the foundation after the tide had receded showed a complete failure and imminent lose of the structure. The occupant’s engineer agreed that entry into the house to claim belongings was impossible and a waiver was signed
by the homeowner. The Building Inspector ordered the house down during low tide for public safety and to prevent flotsam in the water during high tide. The structure was toppled and placed back on the lot. The area was posted 24/7 by the police to prevent looting and accidents. Debris was removed Saturday morning and the huge hole left in the dune was filled with sand from Olga Way to stabilize the dune. An emergency cert. was issued by Conservation and DEP had no problem with the work that was done. At this point the incident was closed but guards were still posted to prevent the general public from interfering with the work crews. Chief Reilly noted that crowd and media control were his biggest issues for safety reasons. Chuck Kostro has been appointed as “information officer” to address questions from the media and public.
Emergency evacuation routes were briefly discussed along with contingency plans for any future emergencies. John Lucey explained the A.L.E.R.T. system which will be in place for any future needs. It was decided that closing the section of the beach where the work on the sand bags is being done was necessary to prevent accidents. Sandwich board signs will be posted at either end and the area will be patrolled between the signs by the police. A message board will be placed just over the bridge and signs will be posted for the work area. Use of National Guard personnel to help with patrols during work hours may be requested through MEMA Area I. At 10:15 a.m. it was moved by Selectman Wright to declare a local state of emergency for Plum Island until such time the Board decides an emergency no longer exists, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously. This was done to protect the Town’s infrastructure. An 11-12 foot tidal surge is anticipated next week
and there are several houses in jeopardy. Doug noted that fencing was an integral part of this sand bag project and DEP denied the use of fencing and posts. He will try to work with DEP to convince them of the importance of this part of the project and the possibility of extending the tubes.
Chairman Russo advised that repair of the jetties and dredging and sand placement on the beaches should be the focus for long term solutions. Sam advised that procedures are in place for rebuilding but most of the permitting falls on the homeowner. Owners of homes from 2 to 20 Northern Boulevard have been notified of pending problems and most have taken care to follow his directions. A letter from Emergency Management has also been sent to these homes.
For the meeting tonight one of the main concerns of the Island is a sewer shut down and Tim and Lafferty of Newburyport can address these issues. Budd Kelley will be there from the Assessors office to address the abatement process Vine & Assoc. will be asked to search options for emergency access routes. Chief Reilly summarized that contact quick reference cards are available for all officials, Chuck has been established as public information officer, a mobile command post is being prepared, the A.L.E.R.T. system will be utilized and a message board will be put in place just over the bridge to keep the public informed. Everyone was thanked for their input and aid during this time of emergency.
Banners on the back stop of the Upper Green were discussed due to a request from NES. The possibility of installing a permanent message board on the Green was considered. Selectman Wright will design a concept of this for a future meeting.
On a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted, a testimonial letter for presentation to Donald Bade on his retirement was accepted as presented and signed.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.